Question: What is an advantage of relative dating?

Dating rocks using relative dating allows a geologist to reconstruct a series of events cheaply, often very quickly, and can be used out in the field on a rocky outcrop. Relative dating also can be used on many different types of rocks, where absolute dating is restricted to certain minerals or materials.Dating rocks using relative dating allows a geologist to reconstruct a series of events cheaply, often very quickly, and can be used out in the field on a rocky outcrop. Relative dating also can be used on many different types of rocks, where absolute dating

What is an advantage of relative dating compared to absolute dating?

Relative dating does not offer specific dates, it simply allows to determine if one artifact, fossil, or stratigraphic layer is older than another. Absolute dating methods provide more specific origin dates and time ranges, such as an age range in years.

What is the advantage of absolute dating over relative dating Brainly?

The main difference between the absolute dating and relative dating is that absolute dating helps to known the exact date of the fossil and the relative dating helps to known whether the object is younger or older from the objects or events. The absolute age helps in determining the exact age of the fossil.

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