Question: What are some cool French phrases?

9 Beautiful French Proverbs That Will Impress“Qui vivra verra” 2. “ “Chacun voit midi à sa porte” “Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir” “Petit a petit, loiseau fait son nid” 6. “ “Qui navance pas, recule” “Quand on a pas ce que lon aime, il faut aimer ce que lon a”More items

What are some French sentences?

Top 10 French phrases and sentences you need to knowBonjour. = Good morning. Bonne après-midi. = Good afternoon. Je mappelle Mondly. = My name is Mondly. Je suis ravi de vous rencontrer. = Im pleased to meet you. Comment ça va ? = How are you? Bien, merci. Et vous-même ? Jaimerais une bière. Je suis désolé.More items

What are some French quotes?

Inspirational Quotes in the French Language About LifeÀ vaillant coeur rien dimpossible. Dans une grande âme tout est grand. Chacun voit midi à sa porte. Je pense, donc je suis. On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne. Prouver que jai raison serait accorder que je puis avoir tort.More items •Feb 1, 2020

What is the best French word?

Here are the most beautiful French wordsArgent – silver. Argent is used in English too to refer to something silver and shiny. Atout – asset. Masculine, noun.Arabesque – in Arabic fashion or style. Feminine, noun.Bijoux – jewelry. Masculine, noun.Bisous – kisses. Masculine, noun. Bonbon – candy. Brindille – twig. Câlin – hug.More items •Dec 5, 2017

What is the easiest sentence to say in French?

10 Must-know French Sentences for Basic ConversationComment vous appelez-vous? (Whats your name?) Enchanté(e)! Je viens de… Jhabite à… Quest-ce que vous faites? (What is your profession?) Quest-ce que vous aimez faire pendant votre temps libre? (What do you do in your free time?)More items

How do you say motivational quotes in French?

Cest toujours le bon moment- Its always the right time.Fais toujours de ton mieux même si personne ne regarde. - Always do your best even if no ones looking.Votre source de motivation est lingrédient qui peut faire toute la différence. - Vouloir cest pouvoir/ When theres a will, theres a way.23 Sep 2014

Is Sacre bleu a swear word?

Sacrebleu or sacre bleu is a French profanity used as a cry of surprise or happiness. It is a minced oath form of the profane sacré dieu, holy God. The holy God exclamation being profane is related to the second commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Do the French really say sacre bleu?

Sacrebleu! Sacrebleu is a very old fashioned French curse, which is rarely used by the French these days. An English equivalent would be “My Goodness!” or “Golly Gosh!” It was once considered very offensive.

What is a pretty French word?

Gorgeous French Words That Mean Beautiful Just like in the English language, there are many ways to say “beautiful” in French. attrayant (masculine adjective) - attractive. belle (feminine adjective) - beautiful. charmante (feminine adjective) - charming or lovely. éblouissante (feminine adjective) - dazzling.

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